Stephen Burns (10 out of 10 ) This has to be one of the best scripts that I have read. This is my favorite series of Horror Movies and I strongly recommend reading the script. If you have seen the movies and are a little confused about cartain aspects, the scripts will certainly clear things up for you.
jeff (7 out of 10 ) There's a bit missing. When Joey enters the club after Pinhead has killed everyone, she enters a room lit by lots of candles & Pinhead says something along the lines of "there's a song at the centre of the universe... and it sounds like razor's through flesh. I'm here to turn up the volume to wipe the stinking face of humanity away" or something like that. That was not in this script, it's one of the best bits in the film.
BenderRodriguez (10 out of 10 ) A beautifully written script. Descriptions are lush and economical. A solid read.